Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Got a Sudden Backache

Yesterday I woke up fine and just do my daily morning chores such as taking my laundry, take a bath, and brush my teeth. But something unexpected happened suddenly. While doing one of my daily morning chores my back was hurt. I didn't fall or hit something. I just try to bow down and suddenly one of back muscles felt stretched and hurt. I've tried to lay down for a few minutes hoping that the muscle will get back to normal but this efforts didn't work.

So here I am, these two days I've been feeling this backache and still not figure out yet what to do to heal it. Some of friends suggests using a muscle pain gel but I don't think it will work. My current idea is going to TCM centre (Traditional Chinese Medicine) this weekend. I believe that this kind of sickness will heal better and quicker with the eastern methods compare to western methods.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things to Check Out for Girls

Girls, I'd like to share you some tips before you choose a man for serious relationship. These tips are taken from my own knowledge and experience also from other relationships that I've seen.

First, you must know what kind of man you want. If you don't know what kind of man you want then you might ended trying dating this man and that man. In the end other will think of you as playgirl. So better know the type of man you want.

Second, if you already know what kind of man you want then next step is considering your man's friends. If his friends are "bad boys" that don't always mean he's a bad boy too but remember this, man listens to his friends. If your man having "bad boy" friends I suggest you to be careful. When your man is on the well condition he might be fine and able to refuse his friends crazy suggestions. But we never know can he resist the temptation when he's down.

Third, you must know the family background before you start to get serious with him. This might seem silly for you. You might think "I marry him not his parents" but many surveys show that almost all parents in law especially mother in law are having a crash with their son or daughter in law. You might think it's fine no matter how bad his family are as long as he's good. But that just a theory. Practically that's not going to happen in real world.

This may be one example. Your man definitely won't just stand if one of his family got debt. And those debt will effect your marriage financial in the end. You should really consider this aspect. Another example, if he's having a paranoid parents and they keep calling everyday of course this will make both of you uncomfortable. He's getting annoyed by his parents calls and you are annoyed since those calls will disturb your quality time together. Imagine if you two were in a date and one of his parents was calling and sounds so persistent asking him accompany him/her to some place which is not really an urgent matter.

See...? So girls, you must really check out your man's family background. Never take it easy.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Flex and Crocs

Lately Chubby has getting more and more addicted to Flex. I've made a commitment to myself. Once I had enough spare money I'll take the certification. Hahahaha. I'm so mad in love with Flex. Gosh...! Can't wait to start coding with Flex. Viva Flex...! Viva RIA...! Viva Adobe...!

I've just realized I might need a new sandals soon. My old Reebok looks so ugly yet still comfortable but I think it won't last no more than a year. I've been using this Reebok for 5 years. What a great companion...! At first my Reebok looked very expensive comparing to the price but considering the toughness it's so cheap. I bought it for Rp. 100.000,- and it has lasted for 5 years. So technically I only cost Rp. 20.000,-/year. As cheap as you buy Swallow but this one has better look and feels great for your feet. I've decided as soon as I have a chance I'll go buy this Crocs for my next travel mate.

Anyone who has any information about my wish list please share it with me. A sale event maybe? (^__^)v


Chubby Panda

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Things On My Mind

Right now Chubby is waiting at C-2's Soekarno-Hatta waiting room for Mandala airlines flight going to Surabaya. Many things are on my mind. Excited, happy, also in rush for going to Surabaya. Before I forget something I'd like to share a little bit with you. Not much but I just want to share it before I forget what it is. 

Yesterday I was confused about tranportation going to airport. Some of my friend suggest TransCab taxi but most of my friends and family suggest BlueBird taxi. Everyone know there is such a big difference fare between those two cabs. TransCab is a low cost cab while BlueBird is not. The difference fare can cost until 30% saving. So I'm really considering which one to choose. I want to know whether BlueBird cost is affordable for my pocket. For my first flight everything is fine. I went to the airport at 5 am, the roads are still empty. Using BlueBird from Kemanggisan to airport at empty road costs me Rp. 100.000,-.
Rp. 11.000 for toll
Rp. 85.000-90.000 for taxi fare

What about my return flight's transport to office? Unfortunately my Sunday night flight were cancelled without some strong reasons by Mandala Airlines so I have to fly early at Monday morning. And my arrival time will be the "going to office" time so you can imagine how crowded the road will be. I was quite worried about the cost if I'm going to take BlueBird again. Empty road costed me a hundred thousands then what about traffic jam?

Then one of my friends told me there was GoldenBird, one of BlueBird company's child. A car rental with one of it's services is one drop way from airport. So I hurry booked an Avanza car for Rp. 150.000,-, that price include the toll. Well I guess that's quite affordable for me and the best is it is a flat rate drive so I'm gonna be fine, no worry about the cost no matter how bad the traffic jam is. 

That's a little share for me. Hope this can help you find a solution if you are confused about the transportation going and from airport. In the end I think I'm going to be a BlueBird loyal customer. Their services just so so good. Better think twice before you choose cheap taxi. I read so many bad experiences with this kind of taxi. And you'll never know whether you're going to be lucky or not. I'm sure you don't want endangered yourself just for saving money which you can earn again later.


Chubby Panda,
with all my best intentions

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Little Quote

Lately Chubby has been getting more and more addicted writing in Chinese eventhough I'm not good in Chinese. Just writing a few short sentences already makes me happy. Here is a short quote in Chinese which I think has a very good meaning in it.

To be a teacher one must first be a student

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dompet Kulit Ular

Guys, nih pacarnya sepupu Chubby ada yang jualan dompet panjang & dompet clotch map terbuat dari kulit ular asli dan kualitas OK punya. Harganya murah banget. Semuanya cuma Rp.150.000,- doank. Yang berminat harap hubungi Chubby yah. Oh ya harganya tidak termasuk ongkos kirim lho. Perlu diketahui lokasi penjual di Bali. Tapi karena barangnya kecil menurut Chubby ongkos kirim ngga mungkin mahal so it's still worthed to buy. Ayo buruan...! (^_^)

Ukuran Clotch map : 13x25 cm, ada tmpt foto-kartu-koin
Ukuran Dompet : 10x21 cm, ada tmpt foto-kartu-koin

Isi dari dompet clotch map

Dompet panjang cewek

Dompet clotch map

NB : Harga di atas asli dari penjual, Chubby ga ambil untung, Chubby just helping (^_^)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Internet Usage Summary

Setelah 2-3 hari mencoba pemakaian internet dengan Telkomsel Flash Chubby akhirnya menyadari ada beberapa hal yang perlu teman-teman perhatikan kalau memakai Telkomsel Flash terutama yang unlimited.
  • Yakinlah untuk memastikan nomor Telkomsel Flash kita sudah aktif. Jika belum aktif dan kita menggunakannya maka kita akan dikenakan tarif regular. Bisa kebayang kan betapa mahalnya tarif internet Telkomsel yang regular (o___O)
  • Kalo kita pake Telkom Speedy kita bisa mengecek kuota bandwidth kita di website yang disediakan oleh pihak ISP. Nah Telkomsel Flash tidak menyediakan fitur seperti itu. Chubby sudah cari-cari ternyata tidak disediakan.
  • Untuk setting Access Point Network (APN) biarpun di website diberitahu bahwa ada dua pilihan APN yakni telkomsel dan internet tapi kenyataannya setelah dicoba yg APN internet ternyata lebih cepat.
Yah rasanya itu dulu deh share Chubby hasil pemakaian Telkomsel Flash selama beberapa hari ini. Semoga berguna..! Ciao..! (^__^)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Belajar Facebook Yuk...!

Nah teman-teman pernah dengar trend Social Networking? Pastinya donk...! Sudah tau Friendster? Chubby yakin 80% dari teman-teman pasti mengenal Friendster dan sudah punya account di Friendster. Eits, jangan bangga dulu kalo sudah punya account di Friendster...! Friendster mah trend tahun lalu. Sudah tahu trend terbaru belum? Pernah dengar Facebook? Pastinya donk...! Nah banyak teman-teman yang merasa Facebook sulit banget dipakai akhirnya kembali lagi ke Friendster? Ah masa gaptek begini..?! Jangan takut teman-teman..! Sekarang ada training khusus belajar Facebook biar ngga gaptek. khusus mengadakan training Facebook buat teman-teman biar jadi gaul. Info lebih lanjut tentang training yang bisa ngebuat teman-teman jadi gaul ini bisa dilihat pada brosur di bawah ini.

Nah, menarik banget kan...! Ayo ajak teman-teman, saudara, ayah dan ibu buat gabung...! Jangan mau Friendster melulu...! Saatnya Facebook donk...! (^__^)

Akhirnya Ada Inet Juga

Akhirnya setelah satu bulan terdampar di kos tanpa internet penderitaan Chubby berakhir...! Sabtu kemarin Huawei E172 sudah diantar ke kos dan Senin kemarin kartu TelkomFlashnya sudah di tangan. Huahuahua...! Leganya ada inet di kos...! Akhirnya ada link ke dunia luar...!

Untuk teman-teman yang mau beli HSDPA USB modem mungkin Chubby mau sarankan untuk mencoba beli di Sebelum berangkat ke Jakarta, sewaktu masih di Surabaya Chubby sudah disarankan teman untuk beli di karena selain murah juga terpercaya. Namun dasarnya Chubby aja yang gaptek ngga pernah beli-beli barang via web jadinya ngga berani mencoba. Nah karena di Jakarta mau ke mana-mana kalo naik taxi mahal dan kalo mau naik angkutan umum juga panas dan resiko keamanan akhirnya Chubby putusin untuk beli modem via Ngga pakai lama 1 hari sudah diantar ke kos dalam kondisi sehat walafiat dan pemakaian sampai sekarang memuaskan. Top banget deh...! (^__^)b

Langkah-langkahnya untuk pembelian barang di Jakarta Notebook sebenarnya cukup mudah, terbagi atas 4 bagian :
  1. Pilih Barang Belanjaan
  2. Shopping Cart Check Out
  3. Konfirmasi Pembayaran
  4. Status Pengiriman
  • Buka lalu Pilih Barang Belanjaan yang teman-teman inginkan dengan cara klik tombol "Add to Cart". Contoh tombolnya dapat dilihat di bawah ini.
  • Setelah selesai memilih barang maka kita beralih ke bagian Shopping Cart Check Out. pada bagian ini teman-teman diminta mengecek daftar barang yang telah dipilih tadi apakah sudah sesuai kemudian jasa pengiriman yang digunakan (TIKI JNE atau TIKI Yes) serta data pengiriman barang dialamatkan ke mana. Jika proses ini sudah selesai maka kita akan mendapatkan nota dalam bentuk file pdf yang akan dikirimkan ke email kita.
  • Setelah selesai mengisi semua data untuk nota yang diperlukan maka teman-teman bisa melakukan pembayaran sesuai ketentuan yang diberlakukan oleh Jakarta Notebook. Chubby memilih untuk melakukan transfer ke rekening BCA yang terdapat pada nota.
  • Selesai melakukan proses pembayaran maka selanjutnya kita melakukan Konfirmasi Pembayaran. Pada bagian ini teman-teman diminta memasukkan data transaksi transfer yang telah dilakukan supaya pihak Jakarta Notebook bisa melakukan pengecekan terhadap pembayaran kita. Ketika pengecekan sudah selesai dilakukan maka sebuah email konfirmasi pembayaran akan dikirimkan ke email kita.
  • Tahap terakhir adalah Status Pengiriman barang kita. Di sini kita bisa masukkan nomor transaksi kita atau nomor Resi TIKI untuk melacak barang kita sedang berada di mana.
Nah sekian dulu Chubby berbagi pengalaman. Semoga dengan posting ini teman-teman jadi lebih yakin untuk melakukan pembelian barang via internet. God Bless...! (^__^)

Friday, February 20, 2009

A New Beginning

Wow...! Setelah sekian lama tidak nge-blog akhirnya sempat juga posting. Maap semuanya...! Chubby beberapa bulan terakhir sibuk banget. Habis wisuda Chubby kedatangan saudara dari Ausie, alhasil sibuk nemenin mereka jalan-jalan ngga sempat mikir topik buat posting blog. Honto gomen nasai...! \(>o<)/ Benar-benar maaf yang sedalam-dalamnya udah cuekin blog and ngga sempat blogwalking ke tempat kalian-kalian.

Sekarang Chubby lagi kerja di Jakarta. Sebenarnya mau ikutan training baru kerja tapi karena trainingnya diundur alhasil sementara Chubby diperbantukan di kantor daripada nganggur. Yah akhirnya Chubby jadi perantau juga. Mana di kota yang Chubby ga suka lagi, Jakarta yang ramai dan macet (-_-!)

Dah sekian dulu postingan hari ini. Chubby gotta back to work. Sementara masih akan sulit posting dan blogwalking karena di kos Chubby belum ada inet-nya. Hiks...! (T_T) Ciao..!