Monday, March 24, 2008

Bedroom Sweet Bedroom

I've just taken some photos about my favourite corner in my bedroom. My first rank of my favourite place in my bedroom of course is my own bed. Hehehehe.

As you can see here I got my babies accompany me every night. My bed size is bigger than a single bed size but smaller than a double bed. It's not such a regular size. I dont know how it happen like that. This bed has been made before I was born. A very old bed but still strong and good. It's made from Tectona grandis or we call it "jati" here. The bed itself made from a good sponge bed but not a spring bed yet. I dont know what kind of sponge bed but its so good and comfortable. Even my honey has already fallen in love with this bed.

Up there you can see the main view from my table. It's full of photo frames and calender and many small things that has special meaning for me. Can you see those heart and purple porselent there? They are gift from my bestfriend.

These are some of my favorite frames that I put on the left side of my table. So much memory in those photos. That blue frame is my 16th birthday gift. And I got that heart frame from a party. Beside these frames I usually also open my laptop at the left side of my table because it's the nearest place with the electricity.

Another Surprise...!

Today i has planned to wake up late since last nite i slept late too. But my plan changed. At about 9 am I was waken up by a phone call. It was Cepu delivering things from my honey for me. I have told him no need to deliver it but he insist. So there I am with my pajama and sleepy eye and no time to take a bath just washing my face and mouth I went out to my garage opening fence for Cepu with that super sleepy face (-__-)! As far as I know I just have one thing to deliver but instead Cepu gave me two things. And what a suprise...! I received my Flex book and my Nokia 5610. Wew....! Never imagine that I would have it just right now. Well, in the other hand that also mean I have a debt now. Hehehehe.

That's my Flex book. I've been looking for it. I have searched all Surabaya book store both local and imported and still can't find it anywhere so I asked my honey to look for it in Singapore. I guess it's a miracle I can have it now. That was the last book in Kinokuniya. Little bit broken on the cover but I dont mind. But it's quite costs me SG$ 80...about 520000 if at kurs SG$ 1 = Rp 6500 (T_T)

That's my new baby boy. I've been using nokia 5300 before this. So i dont have so much difficulties to use it. My new baby boy has a better perfomance than 5300. His voice is so wonderful. This one really is the real music expres edition. And brighter also bigger screen. Great shortcut too. But there is one point you need to remember. This baby boy wont be able to detect any memory card if you open the back case. So to have this baby boy detect the memory card I must put the back cover. It's so strange. I've been using Nokia for my whole handphoning history and this is my first time for this condition. Before this I never have trouble accessing my Nokia phone with back case opened. I guess this is a new thing from Nokia.

Friday, March 21, 2008

P.S. I Love You

Pernahkah kita terbayang orang yang paling kita cintai terenggut dari kehidupan kita? Buat teman-teman yang pernah mengalami patah hati mungkin lebih bisa menghayati perasaan ini. Putus hubungan kekasih alias PHK saja bisa membuat orang menangis, frustasi sampai bunuh diri. Padahal itu kan masih sebatas putus hubungan saja tapi kita masih bisa sewaktu-waktu bertemu dengannya atau berpapasan dengannya di tempat lain. Dan yang paling penting ialah orang yang kita cintai masih "eksis" di muka bumi ini sehingga kapan pun kita kangen masih ada kemungkinan menemuinya.

Nah sekarang bayangkan kalo orang yang kita cintai tersebut benar-benar hilang dari muka bumi ini, tidak "eksis" lagi atau bisa dibilang meninggal dunia. Kita tidak akan pernah lagi mendengar suaranya ataupun menyentuh dirinya. Tidak akan bisa bercerita dengannya. Kehadirannya akan benar-benar hilang dari muka bumi ini dan kita tidak akan pernah bisa bertemu dengannya lagi betapa pun kita merindukannya. Betapa mengerikannya..!

Jarang sekali kita memikirkan hal ini ketika kita mendapati orang yang paling kita cintai sedang bersama dengan kita. Atau mungkin beberapa dari kita sudah sempat terlintas tapi berusaha untuk tidak terlalu memikirkannya karena begitu mengerikan. Tapi apapun yang terjadi ini adalah salah satu hal yang pasti cepat ataupun lambat akan kita hadapi karena setiap orang akan menemui kematian.

Hari ini secara spontan saja saya dan saudari-saudari saya memutuskan untuk menonton film ini. Saya sebenarnya tidak terlalu tertarik dengan tema yang dibahas di film ini. Yang membuat saya tertarik adalah karena saya mendapati cowok pun menangis ketika menonton film ini. Karena itu saya pun memutuskan untuk mencoba menonton film ini. Akhirnya berangkatlah kami ke Galaxy Mal untuk nonton.

Sebelum nonton sebenarnya saya sudah berusaha untuk tidak memasuki mode mellow saya. Saya ingin tahu sejauh apa film ini bisa menggugah hati seseorang yang tidak terlalu melankolis seperti saya. Maka duduklah saya di studio 2 Galaxy 21 dengan hati kuat penuh percaya diri kalo saya ga bakalan nangis yang gimana-gimana. Tapi tidak sampai setengah film malah masih terbilang awal-awal tanpa sadar saya sudah meneteskan air mata. Bukan mbrebes lagi tapi udah netes dari mata turun ke dagu. Dan setelah menonton keseluruhan film alhasil saya keluar studio dengan mata merah, tissue paseo yang sudah habis hampir 1 pak untuk menyeka air mata dan ingus saya serta hidung yang mampet karena kebanyakan nangis. Oh my God...! It's a new big record for me..! I'm crying for a movie!? I dont even cry when i watched One Litter of Tears while most people cried. Karena itu saran saya sekarang adalah segera tonton P.S. I Love You...! Ini adalah film wajib nonton tahun ini...! (^o^)v

Di bawah ini adalah cover bukunya yang sudah diterjemahkan dan bisa didapatkan di toko buku plus sinopsisnya.

Pembaca yang budiman,

Namaku Holly. Belum lama ini Gerry, suamiku meninggal karena kanker. Sebelum penyakitnya mengganas, kami pasangan yang bahagia. Mungkin Gerry bukan pasangan sempurna, karena paling malas mematikan lampu kamar saat kami sudah meringkuk di balik selimut yang hangat. akibatnya, tulang keringku sering terantuk kaki ranjang dan memar-memar.

Ketika Gerry tiada, aku kehilangan sahabatku, kekasihku, batu karangku, dan hidup ini terasa hampa. Namun Gerry tak membiarkanku sendiri. dia meninggalkan seikat surat untuk kubuka setiap bulan. Seiring bulan-bulan berlalu, aku menjadi lebih tabah. Bersama sahabat dan keluargaku, aku menangis, tertara, serta belajar mengenal dan menjalani hidup ini. seperti kata Gerry di surat pertamanya,

Ingatlah semua kenangan manis kita, tapi jangan takut menciptakan kenangan-kenangan baru.

Hidup ini memang untuk dijalani dengan sepenuh hati. dan rasanya nyaman juga ada malaikat yang mengawasi setiap langkahku.

Cinta sejati tak pernah mati...

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Bit Description About Me

I like to work..
I think the best way to enjoy a success is working hard for it..
I like to socialize...
I like to have a lot of friends...
I like to know people closer...

I like fairytales...
Dragon and unicorn always impressed me..
I like furry animals..
Tiger and panda are my fave animals...
They are so georgous and cute...
But I never like insects and reptile whatever it is..

I love dolls so much...

I like to eat so muccchh... ^o^
I like cheese, milk and cream..
I like coffee and tea..

I love J...
I love my family...
I love my bestfrens...
I love my boyfriend...
I love all of my frens...
I love my home...

I'm not beautiful or sexy but..
I love my body and face...
I love every inch of myself...
I love me, myself, and I...

I'm not narsciss...
I just learn to love myself before I can love others...

I hate something unfair...
I'll do my best to make it fair..
I'll try my best to be fair...

I admire Walt Disney. Because of him many children in the world are helped to know and learn what is love and hope, the basic of humanity.

What I think of bestfriends or a true friend is someone who knows everything about you, the good and the bad in you and however unbelieveable still likes you anyway

The Best We Can Do

Hi guys...! How is your life? Some of you may say it's boring...some of you say it's fine....some of you say "i'm depressed"....some of you say "i'm so busy"...and many more. But how is your real life can touch people? In this post I would like to share little of what i've got with you all.

Last year I went to an afternoon service at church. Mr. Philip Mantofa was the man who teach us about Holy Bible at that service. What he was teaching about is so simple but most of us never realized it. It's all about what you have done to service God. Most of us (realized it or not) thinks the main way to do it is taking part in church...the bigger we take the better we are. But that's not the answer, that's not the truth that Holy Bible taught us.

The main service in life is with our life. Will you touch people with a lot of services you've done but your never really leave your old man who likes sins? Can people believe in you when you took a lot of services part in church but you don't even take care of your study and your family? Wouldn't they ask what the God has taught you? To be busy in church? Not to study well for your own future? Not to respect your parents? To yell on your parents?

If you are like that please beware, your services will not be bless for someone else, but it will become just like any ordinary activities you've done. And the worst case is if what you have done in your life can be a barrier for people around you for knowing Jesus. Just like Mahatma Gandhi's story when one human arrogancy not let him get into church just because the color of his skin and that definitely made him get dissapointed, and then he never really become a christian although he has been interested and touched so much with what Jesus has taught in the Holy Bible.

From the deepest place of my heart, I'd like to ask all of us together to learn to be the witness who Jesus is start in every aspects of our life. Not just in church but start in our school, college, university, working place, family, friends..every inch of our life.

Lets not think about something big first, being the worship leader, the committee of church, ect. But lets start from the small thing...starts from every actions in everday of our lifes...even the smallest one, our family and friends, have a good study, ect.

Just like what had been written in the Holy Bible...when you've done with the small things then the big things will be handled to you....

Hope this post can courage you and help you to grow up
GBU all

18 Perbedaan Pria & Wanita

Pria :
  1. Otak kiri besar - angka, logika, dan matematika
  2. Mengutamakan analisis
  3. Kuat di mata/penglihatan
  4. Kuat di perut
  5. Merasa berharga jika dihormati
  6. Merasa berarti jika bekerja
  7. Bersifat praktis
  8. Mengutamakan hasil
  9. Manghasilkan sesuatu
  10. Kurang mengutamakan perasaan
  11. Mengutamakan harga diri/posisi
  12. Menaklukan
  13. Harga sebuah hadiah
  14. Acuh tak acuh terhadap kritik
  15. Suka melihat lawan jenis
  16. Hidup untuk masa yang akan datang dan masa kini
  17. Berpikir global
  18. Parsial di setiap sisi kehidupan

Wanita :
  1. Otak kanan besar - emosi, perasaan
  2. Mengutamakan intuisi
  3. Kuat di telinga/pendengaran
  4. Kuat di mulut/lidah dan hidung
  5. Merasa berharga jika dikasihi
  6. Merasa berarti jika berkeluarga
  7. Bersifat personal
  8. Menikmati proses
  9. Memelihara sesuatu
  10. Menekankan perasaan
  11. Mengutamakan relasi/sahabat
  12. Ditaklukan dengan lemah lembut
  13. Nilai pribadi dari hadiah itu
  14. Lebih peka terhadap kritik
  15. Suka melihat sesama jenis
  16. Hidup untuk masa lalu dan masa kini
  17. Berpikir detil
  18. Kesinambungan untuk sisi kehidupan

Istri Ideal Impian Pria dan Faktanya

  • Selalu tampil cantik dan ceria. Matanya lentik, hidungnya mancung, kulitnya putih dan rambutnya panjang, lurus dan hitam bak mayang terurai.
  • Biaya ke salon, spa dan skin center berjumlah sekian juta per bulannya.

  • Bersedia memindah-mindahkan meja, kursi dan lemari di rumah tanpa bantuan siapa pun, karena ia yakin itu baik untuk membentuk tubuhnya.
  • Ini tipe perempuan yang suka jajan makanan. Karena selalu kelaparan ia rajin mencari cara untuk mengatasi masalah berat badannya.

  • Bersedia untuk masak, membersihkan rumah, menjahit, mencuci, menyetrika, termasuk juga membetulkan genteng bocor dan mobil yang rusak.
  • Ia terlalu frustasi dengan anda, karena itu apa pun dilakukan olehnya asalkan tidak usah menemani anda.

  • Menganggap anda sangat seksi.
  • Selalu membangunkan anda jam 4 pagi setiap harinya untuk menemani si doggy jalan-jalan dan buang air sambil mengatakan "Itu bagus untuk tubuhmu yang kekar itu, Honey!"

  • Cantik dan seksi seperti Miss Universe, tapi berotak encer seperti Einstein.
  • Baginya, fakta terbesar di rumah adalah : apa pun yang anda katakan dan kerjakan selalu salah.

Suami Ideal Impian Wanita dan Faktanya

  • Romantis dan rajin mengajak anda berdansa di bawah kilau bulan purnama di tepi pantai yang indah.
  • Ia senang sekali berdansa dan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu luangnya untuk ikut klub slsa atau klub waltz, sementara anda pusing mengurus anak sendirian di rumah.

  • Dia suka sekali membantu istrinya
  • Versinya dari kata membantu adalah membiarkan istrinya melakukan semua pekerjaan di rumah sendirian tanpa mengganggunya sama sekali.

  • Ia seperti bodyguard yang memberikan rasa aman.
  • Anda merasa sangat bosan dan terkekang karena ia sangat posesif dan peduli dengan "keamanan" anda, sehingga anda tidak bisa pergi ke mana-mana sendirian atau bahkan mengikuti komsel bersama teman-teman wanita anda.

  • Selalu memuji anda sebagai wanita yang sangat cantik.
  • Ia akan langsung berteriak marah jika anda makan junk food "karena itu tak baik untuk kulitmu, Honey!" ujarnya tegas.

  • Seorang pekerja keras.
  • Bekerja keras siang malam sehingga hanya bertemu anda beberapa jam saja dalam sebulannya.

Ajari Aku Memeluk Landak

Cassie menunggu dengan antusias. Kaki kecilnya bolak-balik melangkah dari ruang tamu ke pintu depan. Diliriknya jalan raya depan rumah. Belum ada. Cassie masuk lagi. Keluar lagi. Belum ada. Masuk lagi. Keluar lagi. Begitu terus selama hampir satu jam. Suara si Mbok yang menyuruhnya berulang kali untuk makan duluan, tidak dia gubris.

Pukul 18.30. Tinnn... Tiiiinnnnn...!! Cassie kecil melompat girang! Mama pulang! Papa pulang! Dilihatnya dua orang yang sangat dia cintai itu masuk ke rumah. Yang satu langsung menuju ke kamar mandi. Yang satu mengempaskan diri di sofa sambil mengurut-urut kepala.

Wajah-wajah yang letih sehabis bekerja seharian, mencari nafkah bagi keluarga. Bagi si kecil Cassie juga, yang tentunya belum mengerti banyak. Di otaknya yang kecil, Cassie cuma tahu, ia kangen Mama dan Papa, dan ia girang Mama dan Papa pulang.

"Mama, mama.... Mama, mama...." Cassie menggerak-gerakkan tangan. "Mama...." Mama diam saja. Dengan cemas Cassie bertanya, "Mama sakit ya? Mana yang sakit? Mam, mana yang sakit?"

Mama tidak menjawab. Hanya mengernyitkan alis sambil memejamkan mata. Cassie makin gencar bertanya, "Mama, mama... mana yang sakit? Cassie ambilin obat ya? Ya? Ya?"

Tiba-tiba... "Cassie!! Kepala mama lagi pusing! Kamu jangan berisik!" Mama membentak dengan suara tinggi. Kaget, Cassie mundur perlahan. Matanya menyipit. Kaki kecilnya gemetar. Bingung.

Cassie salah apa? Cassie sayang Mama... Cassie salah apa? Takut-takut, Cassie menyingkir ke sudut ruangan.

Mengamati Mama dari jauh, yang kembali mengurut-ngurut kepalanya. Otak kecil Cassie terus bertanya-tanya: Mama, Cassie salah apa? Mama tidak suka dekat-dekat Cassie? Cassie mengganggu Mama? Cassie tidak boleh sayang Mama, ya? Berbagai peristiwa sejenis terjadi.

Dan otak kecil Cassie merekam semuanya.

Maka tahun-tahun berlalu. Cassie tidak lagi kecil. Cassie bertambah tinggi.
Cassie remaja. Cassie mulai beranjak menuju dewasa.

Tin.. Tiiinnn... ! Mama pulang. Papa pulang. Cassie menurunkan kaki dari meja. Mematikan TV. Buru-buru naik ke atas, ke kamarnya, dan mengunci pintu. Menghilang dari pandangan.

"Cassie mana?" "Sudah makan duluan, Tuan, Nyonya." Malam itu mereka kembali hanya makan berdua. Dalam kesunyian berpikir dengan hati terluka: Mengapa anakku sendiri, yang kubesarkan dengan susah payah, dengan kerja keras, nampaknya tidak suka menghabiskan waktu bersama-sama denganku? Apa salahku? Apa dosaku? Ah, anak jaman sekarang memang tidak tahu hormat sama orangtua! Tidak seperti jaman dulu.

Di atas, Cassie mengamati dua orang yang paling dicintainya dalam diam.
Dari jauh. Dari tempat di mana ia tidak akan terluka. "Mama, Papa, katakan padaku, bagaimana caranya memeluk seekor landak?"

How Much You Worth, Woman

When God created woman he was working late on the 6th day an angel came by and said: “Why spend so much time on that one?”

And the Lord answered:
"Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to shape her ?"

“She must be washable, but not made of plastic, have more than 200 moving parts which all must be replaceable and she must function on all kinds of food, she must be able to embrace several kids at the same time, give a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart and she must do all this with only two hands”.

The angel was impressed.

“Just two hands....impossible!“

“And this is the standard model?!“

“Too much work for one day....wait until tomorrow and then complete her“.

"I will not”, said the Lord.

“I am so close to complete this creation, which will be the favourite of my heart”.

“She cures herself when sick and she can work 18 hours a day”.

The angel came nearer and touched the woman.

“But you have made her so soft, Lord”

“She is soft", said the Lord, “But I have also made her strong. You can’t imagine what she can endure and overcome.“

“Can she think?" the angel asked.

The Lord answered:
“Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate."

The angel touched the womans cheek....

“Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her.”

“She is not’s a tear” the Lord corrected the angel

“What’s it for?" asked the angel.

And the Lord said:
“Tears are her way of expressing grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride.”

This made a big impression on the angel.

“Lord, you are genius. You thought of everything. The woman is indeed marvellous!”

“Indeed she is! Woman has strengths that amazes man. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens.

She holds happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when feeling like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying, crys when she is happy and laughs when she is afraid.

She fights for what she belives in. Stand up against injustice. She doesn’t take “no” for an answer, when she can see a better solution.

She gives herself so her family can thrive. She takes her friend to the doctor if she is afraid. Her love is unconditional. She cries when her kids are victorious. She is happy when her friends do well.

She is glad when she hears of a birth or a wedding. Her heart is broken when a next of kind or friend dies. But she finds the strength to get on with life. She knows that a kiss and a hug can heal a broken heart. ”

There is only one thing strange with her. She often forgets what she is worth... ”

Pass this on to your lady friends to remind them how fantastic they are....pass it on to males you know. Sometimes they need to be reminded..!!!

The Carrot, The Egg and The Coffee Bean

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed that, as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil. In the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word. In about twenty minutes, she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me, what do you see?"

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," the young woman replied.

The mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma.

The daughter then asked, "What does it mean, mother?"

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity - boiling water - but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened! The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" the mother asked her daughter.

"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Think of this:
Which am I?

Am I the carrot that seems strong but, with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit but, after a death, a breakup, or a financial hardship, does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavour.

If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.

When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate to another level? How do you handle adversity?

Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

Can You Love Me for Me?

Can you ever love me for me?
For the me that I am true and true
Can you love me with my imperfections?
Can you see me as I am and not as what you want me to be?

Can you ever love me for me?
For the me that makes mistakes and speaks without thinking
Can you love me even when I am unreasonable?
Can you see me as I am and not for the Angel you seek?

Can you ever love me for me?
For the me that cries when a stranger child is hurt
Can you love me when I am sad without me having a reason to be?
Can you see me as I am not as what I once was?

Can you ever love me for me?

God Is My Programmer

The lord is my programmer,
I shall not crash.

He installed his software on the hard disk of my heart
All of his commands are user-friendly.

His directory guides me to the right choices for his name's sake.

Even though I scroll through the problems of life,
I will fear no bugs, for He is my backup.

His password protects me.

He prepares a menu before me in the presence of my enemies.

His help is only a keystroke away.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life,
and my file will be merged with His and saved forever.


Ketika Anda Marah

Suatu hari sang guru bertanya kepada murid-muridnya..

"Mengapa ketika seseorang sedang dalam keadaan marah, ia akan berbicara dengan
suara kuat atau berteriak?"

Seorang murid setelah berpikir cukup lama mengangkat tangan dan menjawab..

"Karena saat seperti itu ia telah kehilangan kesabaran, karena itu ia lalu berteriak."

"Tapi..." sang guru balik bertanya,

"Lawan bicaranya justru berada disampingnya. Mengapa harus berteriak? Apakah ia tak dapat berbicara secara halus?"

Hampir semua murid memberikan sejumlah alasan yang dikira benar menurut
pertimbangan mereka. Namun tak satupun jawaban yang memuaskan.

Sang guru lalu berkata,

"Ketika dua orang sedang berada dalam situasi kemarahan, jarak antara ke dua hati mereka menjadi amat jauh walau secara fisik mereka begitu dekat. Karena itu, untuk mencapai jarak yang demikian, mereka harusberteriak. Namun anehnya, semakin keras mereka berteriak, semakin pula mereka menjadi marah dan dengan sendirinya jarak hati yang ada di antara keduanya pun menjadi lebih jauh lagi. Karena itu mereka terpaksa berteriak lebih keras lagi."

Sang guru masih melanjutkan,

"Sebaliknya, apa yang terjadi ketika dua orang saling jatuh cinta? Mereka tak hanya tidak berteriak, namun ketika mereka berbicara suara yang keluar dari mulut mereka begitu halus dan kecil. Sehalus apapun, keduanya bisa mendengarkannya dengan begitu jelas. Mengapa demikian?"

Sang guru bertanya sambil memperhatikan para muridnya. Mereka nampak berpikir
amat dalam namun tak satupun berani memberikan jawaban.

"Karena hati mereka begitu dekat, hati mereka tak berjarak. Pada akhirnya sepatah katapun tak perlu diucapkan. Sebuah pandangan mata saja amatlah cukup membuat mereka memahami apa yang ingin mereka sampaikan."

Sang guru masih melanjutkan,

"Ketika anda sedang dilanda kemarahan, janganlah hatimu menciptakan jarak. Lebih lagi hendaknya kamu tidak mengucapkan kata yang mendatangkan jarak di antara kamu. Mungkin di saat seperti itu, tak mengucapkan kata-kata mungkin merupakan cara yang bijaksana. Karena waktu akan membantu anda."

Anyone Can Pray

Please teach me, Lord ...
I want to know

Exactly how to pray.

I need some words
Which ones are right?
Please tell me what to say.

I've bowed my head
I have knelt down,But ...
should I be upright?

I've closed my eyes,
I've raised my hands,Or ...
should I fold them tight?

Do I stand up?
Should I sit down?
Dear Lord ... what do you like?

Are lights turned on
Or are they off?
Maybe ... candle light?

Wear my glasses?
Take them off?
Be at my desk or table?

Should I whisper?
Speak out loud?
Do I quote the Bible?

What do you think about the time?
Do You prefer the dawn?

Should I pray fast, Or keep it slow?
Better short ... or long?

I'm new at this
What are the rules?
I want to do it right.

How do I know
You'll even hear
That I am in Your sight?

And while I sat there quietly,
Waiting for some sign,
I heard a gentle voice say,

"Oh, dearest child of mine ...
Do you think I really care
About the time of day,
Or whether you are standing up,
Or kneeling when you pray?"

"I don't care about your posture,
Or about the place you choose;
Just open up your soul to me,
I have no other rules.
Tell me what is in your heart,
And tell me what you seek;
Tell me of your sorrows,
And of those things that made you weak."

"Speak to me in private
About what concerns you most;
I know about your good deeds ...
You have no need to boast.
My child, you don't need lessons,
Just talk to me each day;
Tell me anything you want, dear child,
Anyone can pray."


Pernah nonton Princess Hours yang pertama? Film drama Korea yang menceritakan tentang kerajaan Korea ini sempat booming di Indonesia. Sejak booming-nya film ini baju-baju designer Korea mulai merambah ke seluruh dunia. Mulai dari butik-butik di Pasar Atum sampai merk-merk terkenal yang ada di mal-mal di Surabaya sedikit banyak memberikan unsur Korea pada desain mereka. Paling tidak ada jaket yang berbau desain modern style dari Korea. Hanbok yang menjadi baju traditional Korea pun jadi lebih terkenal di dunia daripada kebaya kita.

Mari kita lihat inti yang lain dari film ini. Saya sudah menonton film ini. Menurut saya film ini sangat bagus dalam rangka mempromosikan kebudayaan Korea. Negeri yang terkenal karena Kimchi tersebut menjadi dikenal lebih global sejak film ini diluncurkan. Dulu siapakah di antara kita yang mengetahui paling tidak 2-3 jenis masakan Korea yang umum di negeri asalnya? Sekarang paling tidak kita sudah pernah dengar tentang Kimchi dan Bimbab. Tapi sayang sekali film ini kurang mencerminkan perasaan kesepian dan tertekan serta intrik-intrik politik yang dialami oleh orang-orang yang tinggal di istana seperti yang dituliskan dalam kisah komik aslinya. Film ini diangkat dari sebuah komik oleh pengarang Korea, siapa namanya saya lupa, maaf...agak sulit mengingat nama-nama yang tidak familiar ini. Pada komik aslinya setiap pemikiran di benak masing-masing tokoh dilukiskan dengan lebih jelas dan beberapa dalam bentuk percakapan batiniah. Hal ini yang tidak ada pada filmnya sehingga ketika kita menonton filmnya tanpa membaca komiknya maka kita akan sulit menebak lika-liku pemikiran dari masing-masing tokoh. Padahal masing-masing tokoh punya karakter yang unik dan menarik untuk diikuti. Tapi untungnya Goong ini dikemas bukan memusatkan pada intrik-intrik politik dalam istana tapi lebih berfokus kepada drama percintaannya.

Satu buku lagi yang memiliki karakter yang mirip dengan Goong ini adalah Maharani. Buku ini cetakan Gramedia yang merupakan novel terjemahan dari Pearl S. Buck. Sudah lama saya tertarik untuk membaca buku ini ketika melihatnya di rak buku Gramedia. Tapi karena harganya yang cukup mahal untuk kantong saya saat itu maka saya mengurungkan niat membelinya. Selain itu salah satu faktor utamanya adalah bobot bacaan yang dari perkiraan saya saat itu adalah cukup berat dalam arti belum tentu menghibur hati setelah dibaca walaupun menarik (yang dimaksud dengan menghibur hati tuh yang happy ending gitu...maklum saya suka terbawa emosi ketika membaca buku atau menonton film makanya saya berusaha menghindari buku-buku atau film-film yang sad ending karena ujung-ujungnya setelah nonton saya jadi mellow dan tidak bersemangat...hehehe...) Dari ringkasannya saja dapat dibayangkan buku ini akan menceritakan intrik-intrik politik dan situasi kehidupan di dalam Istana Terlarang pada dinasti Manchu. Setelah beberapa bulan saya terlupakan dengan buku tersebut ternyata memang takdir membuat saya berjodoh dengan buku tersebut. Ketika saya pergi ke Gramedia Expo beberapa hari yang lalu saya melihat tumpukan buku itu dengan tulisan papan diskon 20% di atasnya. Tanpa pikir panjang langsung saya beli. Hehehehe... (^o^)

Akhirnya saya baca buku tersebut dan memang isinya tidak jauh dari bayangan saya sewaktu membaca sinopsisnya. Sulit untuk membayangkan betapa berharganya kebebasan kita sekarang ini. Mungkin beberapa dari kita sempat berangan-angan atau bercita-cita terlahir menjadi putri atau putra raja. Ternyata di balik semua gemerlap itu ada beban berat yang harus dipikul. Selain itu saya benar-benar mensyukuri di jaman sekarang ini walaupun emansipasi di Indonesia belum dijalankan 100% seperti di negara-negara maju tapi kita wanita-wanita Indonesia saat ini jauh lebih beruntung daripada putra putri kekaisaran Cina yang tinggal di Istana Terlarang yang terlihat nyaman dan mewah serta bergelimangan harta benda tapi tiada kebebasan bagaikan burung di dalam sangkar emas dan berlian.

Menurut tradisi, setiap tahun putri-putri keluarga Manchu dipanggil ke Istana Kaisar untuk diteliti oleh Ibu Suri. Yang dipilih hanya sedikit, dan mereka yang beruntung diangkat menjadi selir-selir sang Putra Langit. Mereka akan tinggal di dalam Kota Terlarang dan hidup dalam kemewahan, namun kesepian.

Tzu Hsi gadis yang tidak saja cantik, namun juga cerdik dan ambisius. Ia bertekad menjadi selir favorit, bahkan Ratu, bagi Kaisar, meskipun itu akan berarti mengorbankan laki-laki yang dicintainya dan mengabdi kepada seorang Kaisar yang banyak tingkah dan sakit-sakitan.

Di tengah kancah intrik istana, kecemburuan orang-orang kasim dan selir yang kurang favorit, bahaya pembunuhan terhadap dirinya maupun putranya, Tzu Hsi berhasil menjadi Kaisar wanita Cina yang terbesar. Namun, walaupun bijaksana dan penuh bakat dalam banyak hal, Tzu Hsi tidak pernah bersedia mengakui bahwa pengaruh negara-negara Barat semakin besar. Baru ketika keresahan pecah menjadi pemberontakan kaum Boxer yang mengerikan, ia bersedia berkompromi dengan realitas dunia modern.

My Little Treasures

These are my little treasures. Not everyone think they are something important or precious but for me they are. They have added colours to my life. Here I'd like to introduce you all to my little happiness.

These are my little babies. I have loved doll since i'm little kid. But since i easily got cough and flu my mom didn't permit me to have them. When i've grown up i start to buy them with my own money.

Let me introduce you to my little babies. The white one at left is a NICI polar bear and i call him Popo. The one at right is a Me to You teddy bear so i call him Mimi. And the last one in the middle is a regular brown teddy bear which has a bigger head than the whole body. He looks so cute. I bought him by myself risking my life. I was in Korea's disneyland, Neverland. I almost got left behind coz i take my time buying him. He's not as much expensive as the others but he saved my special memories in Korea. The greatest holiday i've ever been. Not just the country but also the people. I haven't give him name. Still have no idea. If you have an idea just try to tell me.

These are my books in my desk. Not all my books. It just some books from my own little library. I start to change my reading from indonesian to english novels. I can't completely leave indonesian novels but i'm trying to reduce it as much as possible. And now i'm collecting popular classic english novels such as the lost world, pride and prejudice, etc. I dont know what's going on but i find reading english novels is much more interesting. And recently i hardly find a good indonesian novels. But i have my own favorite indonesian writer, Ilana Tan. I have read Summer in Seoul by Ilana Tan for a dozen times. It so imaginative.

These are the newest books i bought few days ago at Gramedia Expo book fair. I was so hypnotised with that book fair. I can get so many new books with 20-30% discount. It was so wonderful. That book fair has made me go bankrupt for this month. I have spent about 250000 for those books. Little feel sorry about being too much book shopping but a lot of satisfaction =p

This is my little vampire. As you can see actually it is a voodoo doll. I have wanted this doll since 4-5 years ago. I watched it via satellite TV. It was from China or Taiwan. I forget which one. Last February when my boyfriend went home he told me that doll was available at Chang-I airport so i asked him to buy one for me. And here is my little vampire. Actually the voodoo doll are available at many themes. You can find a Cupid voodoo doll or even a Casanova voodoo doll. My boyfriend bought me a vampire coz I like vampire. I dont know why i admire vampire. Maybe i watch too much movies about dracula =p

Shopping at Ace Hardware

Yesterday I went to Galaxy Mall. Ace Hardware is having its grand opening at Galaxy Mall 2. So I asked my family to go there. I have been looking for a big box for my bags. I have quite a lot bags that i put in my wardrobe. And they looks so miserable even i have tried many times to arrange them in line. And here at Ace i found what i need. Actually i was thinking about a big plastic box but i found it was quite expensive. It costs about 100000 just for one big box. But here at Ace I find a big box which strong enough for my bags but not made from a plastic so it is cheaper. It costs only about 52000, almost half of the plastic one. Its made from fabric and little wood which mean its can be recycled and safe for earth. So i decided to buy it.

Here you can see that rainbow box in my wardrobe. It looks so great right? It looks like a big strong box eventhough its not made from pure wood or plastic. And the best part is it is a lot cheaper from the plastic one and safe for earth (^o^)b

Besides that box actually there are some other things that make me interested. I found a tissue roll box with watermelon and orange themes as you can see in the picture. They are so cure aren't they? I was going to buy it but it was so expensive. It costs about 60000 each. Too much expensive for my wallet to buy that tissue roll box. Maybe i'll just wait until someone buy it for me. Anyone interested to buy it for me..? (^o^)

Anyway i found something interesting for you here at Ace. If you go to party section u can find something beautiful here. Have you heard or invited to a mask party?? You must have confused where to buy the mask if you are invited to that kind of party. But no need to worry now. Ace has it available for you now. The mask start from 40000, the simplest one to the most sophisticated that cost hundred of thousands. And at this grand opening you can have discount for some of the masks. Isn't it great..!? (^o^)

Nice to meet you..!

Wew...! Finally i got another blog besides friendster's blog. This is not my first time of blogging but i'm still a newbie but I hope you can enjoy my blog. I made this blog to share my life with others. Never mean to show off my life or what. I just want to help other people to get encouraged in their life just like what i feel when i read my friend's blogs.

Some inspirational labeled posts are not created by myself. I import them from my old blogs but I've lost the urls of the original articles. I'm sorry for that. I will try my best to note the original source next time when I dont write the post by myself.

Just for your acknowledge not all of my posts are for public consumed. Some posts are about my belief. For you who have difference belief don't need to read that post. My objective of posting it just for sharing my mind. Never mean to intimidate anyone.

Nice to meet you all..! (^o^)
Hope you enjoy my blog